Sibley Memorial Hospital Leadership


Kevin W. Sowers, M.S.N., R.N., F.A.A.N.

Corporate Vice Chairman, ex officio

Kevin Sowers

Carolyn Carpenter, M.H.A., F.A.C.H.E.

President, National Capital Region for JHHS

Carolyn Carpenter

Kim Elyanow, M.B.A.

Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, National Capital Region

Kim Elyanow

Jennifer Abele, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.E.P.

Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer

Jennifer Abele

Laura Hendricks, D.N.P., N.E.A.-B.C., R.N.-B.C., C.P.H.Q.

Vice President, Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer

Laura Hendricks, D.N.P., N.E.A.-B.C., R.N.-B.C., C.P.H.Q.


Executive Director, Information Technology

Ed Grogan

Marti Brown-Bailey

Interim Director of Government and Community Affairs

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Anu Gupta Mullick, M.H.S.A.

Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Planning, National Capital Region

Anu Mullick

Tiffany Pratt, M.S., S.P.H.R., S.H.R.M.-S.C.P.

Vice President, Human Resources,
National Capital Region

Tiffany Pratt, M.S., S.P.H.R., S.H.R.M.-S.C.P.

Kristen Pruski, M.S.A., C.F.R.E.

Vice President of Development

Kristen Pruski

Caroline Shafa, M.H.A.

Vice President, Operations

Caroline Shafa

Richard E. Morris


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Peter B. Mancino


Peter Mancino

Vadim Schick

Assistant Secretary

Vadim Schick

Board of Trustees

Joan H. Lewis, Chair
Robert L. Mallett, Vice Chair

  • Maya Ajmera
  • Joshua M. Ammerman, M.D.
  • Rev. A. David Argo, Ph.D.
  • William B. Barton, Esq.
  • Carolyn Carpenter, M.H.A., F.A.C.H.E., ex officio
  • Andrei Cernea, M.D., ex officio
  • Guy Cecil
  • Donna Cryer, Esq.
  • Mishaela Durán
  • Michael K. Farr
  • Ahmad Hajj
  • Jenny Harrington
  • Harry Hertz, Ph.D.
  • Karen M. Horton, M.D.
  • Fred Humphries

  • Cyndy Lewin
  • Peter Mancino, ex officio
  • Capricia P. Marshall, Esq.
  • Edward J. Miller, Jr.
  • Richard E. Morris
  • Suzanne Miyamoto, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N.
  • Charles Parker
  • Martin G. Paul, M.D.
  • Thomas J. Schaefer
  • Robert Silberman
  • Kevin W. Sowers, M.S.N., R.N., F.A.A.N., ex officio
  • Oak Strawbridge, ex officio
  • Pandit Wright