Expressing Concerns or Complaints about Research

September 2020

It is the policy of the Organization that the Office of Human Subjects Research (OHSR) and the JHM IRBs will receive and respond to complaints or other concerns from research participants, investigators, research staff, and members of the community as part of the human subject research oversight process. (See Organization Policy on Concerns and Complaints from Research Participants, Investigators, Research Staff, and the Community).

How may a person express concerns or complaints about the conduct of a research study?

If possible, concerns or complaints should be discussed first with the Principal Investigator (PI) of the study. Otherwise, the individual with the concern or complaint may contact either the OHSR or the Johns Hopkins Compliance Hotline o Concerns or complaints may be communicated directly to OHSR staff by calling the main office line (410-955-3008) or through the JHM IRB email address ([email protected]). (The Johns Hopkins Compliance Hotline is available to Johns Hopkins patients, students, faculty, staff, and visitors. A confidential report can be made online or by phone at 844-SPEAK2US (844-773-2528). Anonymous reporting is also available.