
The Institutional Review Boards have collected these links as a helpful resource for investigators and participants. The content on these sites may not be approved by The Johns Hopkins Hospital or School of Medicine.

For Investigators:



JHM Offices

Popular Resources


For Participants:

Johns Hopkins welcomes you to visit this website ( to learn about the importance of medical research, how research is conducted and how you can become involved in research.

If you want to learn more about what people think about their experience of being in a study at Johns Hopkins check out the results from our Research Participant Satisfaction Survey

For the Nursing Community:

As a leader in discovery and innovation, the Department of Nursing’s Nursing Research Committee (NRC) inspires, engages, and supports nurses to conduct and disseminate nursing research. Through the generation and translation of knowledge, the committee guides nurses to transform patient care, advance practice and improve outcomes.

The purpose of the NRC is to:

Guiding Principles of Institutional Review Boards (IRB)

Johns Hopkins experts discuss the critical role of Institutional Review Boards in research involving human subjects and the guiding principles they operate by: respect for persons risk and benefit analysis justice and fairness