Who/What Kudos

Submit news about an award or honor for a Johns Hopkins Health System employee

Be it receiving a letter of thanks from a grateful patient, making a difference in the community with volunteer work, or earning a promotion, an award or a special certification, Johns Hopkins Medicine employees have a lot to be proud of. Who/What Kudos gives us an opportunity to celebrate employees for demonstrating Johns Hopkins’ core values, as well through their recent professional, academic and community achievements.

If you have good news to share, please complete the form to submit information about recent honors or awards you or your team members have received. Be sure to include the reason for the recognition. Please allow 10 working days for your recognition to be published on the Who/What Kudos page. A link to this page will be published monthly in Inside Hopkins and on the JHM and entity intranets. Decisions about which acknowledgements will be highlighted are made by the Marketing and Communications team. Note: If you are a faculty or staff member, resident, postdoctoral fellow or student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, please complete this form.

Please be aware that you are responsible for ensuring that the content you submit is accurate and complete. A quality headshot or other photo can be included. Acknowledgements may be published as submitted, so please keep the following tips in mind as you create your announcement.

  • Self-submissions are encouraged.
  • If the award or honor was received by multiple individuals, please submit a form for each recipient.
  • Be clear and concise.
  • Double-check all email addresses, URLs and phone numbers.
  • Double-check spelling and grammar.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • Do not include any formatting for bold, underlining, color, capitalization, etc.
  • If you are submitting the form on behalf of a colleague or team member, please be sure that person has reviewed and approved the content.

Submit Your Recognition