Research Lab Results
Lynette Mark Lab
The Lynette Mark Lab primarily studies topics within the field of anesthesiology. Our team also researches various aspects of patient safety, including best practices for patient safety reporting systems. -
Elizabeth Daugherty Lab
The Elizabeth Daugherty Lab conducts research on patient safety, critical care infection control and critical care disaster response. We investigate methods of improving patient safety through improved infection control, with a focus on clinical outcomes, nosocomial infection rates and the individual and organizational obstacles to personal protective equipment adherence. -
Rahul Koka Lab
Research in the Rahul Koka Lab focuses on pediatric airways, patient safety and health disparities. Recent studies have focused on the relationship between socioeconomic status and perioperative outcomes and patient safety factors related to interoperative cardiac arrests. We also performed effects analyses of the maintenance and repair of anesthetic equipment in various medical environments. -
Bradford Winters Lab
The Bradford Winters Lab conducts research on patient safety and quality of care. Our team focuses on the topics of patient care in the intensive care unit, evidence-based medicine, quality health care, and the measurement and evaluation of safety efforts. Currently our work involves evaluating pain management techniques in post-craniotomy patients, developing guidelines for policy development of patient safety initiatives and creating measures for rapid-response system outcomes.Principal Investigator
Henry Michtalik Lab
Researchers in the Henry Michtalik Lab are interested in patient safety—particularly as it relates to patient census statistics and acute to primary care transitions—and quality improvement and systems management. -
Aliaksei Pustavoitau Lab
The Aliaksei Pustavoitau Lab conducts research on models and mechanisms of impaired consciousness in patients who have suffered acute brain injury. Examples of our work include a study on the mechanisms of neurologic failure in critical illness and another on the use of intensivist-driven ultrasound at the PICU bedside. We also have a longstanding interest in patient safety and quality of care in the ICU setting.Principal Investigator
Asad Latif Lab
Research in the Asad Latif Lab focuses on patient safety and quality improvement. Our key interests include preventing hospital-acquired infections and improving health systems, the evaluation and prevention of healthcare errors and the utility of telemedicine in intensive care units. One recent study focused on reducing medication errors (the single most common type of error in healthcare) related to drug formulation in the intensive care unit. -
David Thompson Lab
Researchers in the David Thompson Lab examine the outcomes of patients treated in intensive care units (ICUs), patient safety efforts, quality improvement efforts, and multidisciplinary teamwork and safety curriculum development. We're taking part in a study aimed at reducing hospital-acquired infections among cardiovascular surgery patients. Our investigators also participated in a clinical research collaboration that saw an 81 percent reduction in bloodstream infections related to central lines. -
Ayse Gurses Lab
Work in the Ayse Gurses Lab examines several topics related to human factors, including methods for improving patient safety in the cardiac operating room, care coordination, transitions of care and compliance of providers with evidence-based guidelines. Our team also has an interest in research that explores the working conditions of nurses. We collaborate on studies related to the development of geriatrics health service delivery at all levels of the health system. -
Nicole Shilkofski Lab
Work in the Nicole Shilkofski Lab aims to improve patient safety in critical care settings, with a focus on resuscitation scenarios. Our research is conducted as part of the research group of the Johns Hopkins Medical Simulation Center. We investigate the communication and functionality of teams during medical crisis situations. As part of those efforts, we are designing a web-based curriculum to teach pediatric resuscitation through mannequin simulation and computer-based simulation techniques.