Fundamentals October 2022

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Latest Research Findings from the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences.

Johns Hopkins Researchers Build a ‘Bridge’ to AI Technologies by Joining New NIH Consortium

Researchers are designing a system to ethically collect and generate a data set with various types of information that will be useful for many generations of scientists who specialize in using machine learning to solve challenging issues in human health.

magenta, purple and blue digital illustration of a face looking at scientific symbols

Articles in this Issue

  • Image of the Month: Scarred Crystal

    For many people with diabetes, implanted crystalline drug-loaded hydrogels help produce much needed insulin, but their immune systems attack the implants, making them less functional. Biomedical engineer Joshua Doloff and his Technion partner Shady Farah received a $700,000 grant from JDRF to address this issue.

    crystalline drug-loaded hydrogels. they look like circles filled with purple glitter