Fundamentals November 2020

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Latest Research Findings from the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences.

Q&A - If Genetic Test Kits Top Your Holiday Shopping List, Here Are 5 Things You Should Know Before You Buy

Just in time for holiday shopping, when you might be thinking about giving one of the popular genetic test kits, Johns Hopkins Medicine genetic counselors provide an in-depth look behind at-home testing.

Magnifying glass enlarging an abstract digital illustration of DNA

Articles in this Issue

  • Image of the Month: GluD to a Mystery

    Glutamate binds to three families of receptors. However, GluD, a fourth receptor family, does not bind to glutamate, nor does it seem to have a role in opening ion channels, leaving scientists glued to the question: What does the GluD receptor do?

    ribbon diagram of the GluD receptor