Fundamentals December 2020

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Latest Research Findings from the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences.

Five Things You May Not Know About Vaccine Science

COVID-19 vaccines have officially arrived at health care centers and nursing homes all over the country. As the vaccines become widely available, learn more about the science behind them.

A woman wearing a light blue hairnet and scrubs, purple gloves and mask, and clear protective glasses inserts a needle into a man's upper arm. The man is wearing a black t shirt and light blue mask.

Articles in this Issue

  • Image of the Month: Losing your smell

    Why do some people with COVID-19 lose their sense of smell? Researchers believe it could be because the virus first enters through a certain type of cell in our noses.

    Microscope image of cells in the nose. Red stain is ACE2. The green probe is staining CK18, which is found in supporting cells and mucus glands.