An Alum Returns Home

We are delighted to announce that Katherine Chang Chretien will become associate dean for medical student affairs and director of medical student wellness effective July 1, 2021, joining the faculty in the Department of Medicine Division of Hospital Medicine at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Dr. Chretien received her medical degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 2000 and was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society at that time. She remained at Johns Hopkins as a resident in internal medicine on the Osler Medical Service at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, completing her training in 2003. Dr. Chretien then joined the faculty at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, rising to the rank of professor of medicine in 2018.

In 2015, Dr. Chretien was named assistant dean of student affairs at GW, and in 2018 she was named associate dean of student affairs, a position she has served in since that time. Dr. Chretien has overseen the Office of Financial Aid and the Office of Student Professional Enrichment at GW since 2016. She directed the Scholarly Concentration Program for GW medical students from 2016 to the present. During her time at GW, she developed several nationally recognized curricula, including a narrative medicine curriculum for medicine clerkship students. Dr. Chretien has held a number of national leadership roles in the AAMC Group on Student Affairs and the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine. While serving as medicine clerkship site director for GW students at the Washington, D.C., Veterans Affairs Medical Center from 2005–2015, Dr. Chretien became a member of the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine and was named to the organization’s leadership council in 2015, eventually serving as president in 2019–2020.

Dr. Chretien has been a ward teaching attending at the Washington VA Medical Center since 2003, and she served as chief of the hospitalist section at the VA Medical Center from 2010–2016.

Dr. Chretien has published more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, with a focus on physician professionalism, wellness and interactions with social media. She has led many national workshops and delivered numerous invited talks on these topics. Her article, “Physicians on Twitter,” published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2011, is one of her most frequently cited works. In 2008, she founded and is editor of the Mothers in Medicine group blog, which supports women in medicine. She is author of the book Mothers in Medicine: Career, Practice, and Life Lessons Learned (Springer, 2018), based on the website. In 2013, Dr. Chretien received the Women Leaders in Medicine Award from the American Medical Student Association.

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Chretien back to Johns Hopkins. Please join us in congratulating her as she assumes these important roles in our medical school.

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