PFAs Work with Pharmacy & Therapeutics and Patient Education Committees on New Patient Handout

Published in PFAC Annual Report - PFAC Annual Report 2022

Making sure patients are knowledgeable about the medications they take in the hospital and their side effects, as well as ensuring patients do not take any medication brought from home without physician approval, are key to a successful hospitalization and discharge. PFAC members June Graff, Lori Nam and Kris Hakanson worked with the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee and the Education Committee to develop a new patient handout that is incorporated in the handbook provided to all patients upon admission. The general membership of the PFAC also provided feedback on this handout. PFAs such as June and Lori bring special expertise to their role by knowing what is understandable to the average patient and communicating that to hospital staff.

Medication Flyer

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PFA Participation on CUSP Teams

CUSP teams work to improve the culture of safety among front-line caregivers. Suburban patient and family advisors serve on CUSP teams in Suburban’s emergency department as well as the perioperative and intermediate care units.

Clinical Staff