Innovations in Outpatient Imaging

Published in Radiology Update - 2021

Johns Hopkins Medical Imaging outpatient centers continue to expand services and innovate. Johns Hopkins Medical Imaging continues to add new online self-scheduling options, acquire new equipment and reduce scan times.

After leading marketing efforts to encourage patient MyChart utilization, they initially offered self-scheduling of screening mammograms, CT, DEXA and X-rays. To better leverage this vital resource, self-scheduling was expanded to include diagnostic mammograms and select MRI exams.

The Green Spring Station location will be acquiring a third MRI scanner at Pavilion III, with an anticipated opening this winter. This will significantly increase MR availability for patients.

A dedicated MRI Task Force was formed to reduce MRI exam times. Comprising faculty members, radiologists and technologist leaders, the task force selected multiple protocols across divisions for optimization and coordinated with equipment vendors for rigorous testing and review. Its work culminated in achieving a quicker MRI experience while maintaining or improving image quality. This effort resulted in many 60-minute exam being converted to 30-minute exams.