Discovery and Innovation

Mohamad E. Allaf, M.D.

Mohamad E. Allaf, M.D.

Published in Discovery - Winter 2024

Pat and Margaret Walsh came to the Brady 50 years ago and transformed it. Patients came to Hopkins from all over the world for the landmark nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy that Pat developed, and surgeons came to Hopkins to learn his innovative techniques for preserving potency and urinary continence. But Pat didn't just focus on surgery; with Don Coffey as the Director of Research, he developed a world-class research program, and the Brady became a powerhouse in the treatment of diseases of the kidney, bladder, and prostate.

Many Walsh-trained urologists went on to careers in academic medicine, and 23 became chairs of urology departments. I am one of them: I was born in 1974, the year the Walshes came to Hopkins. When I came to the Brady as a resident, Pat Walsh was my mentor in meticulous surgical technique, and his successor, the late Alan Partin, was my mentor in leadership.

The Brady continues to transform the field of urology, as you will see in this issue of Discovery. Among many exciting things to tell you about, we welcome Drs. Arvin George as our new Director of Prostate Cancer Programs and Ahmed Ghazi as our new Director of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery. Ahmed's work is revolutionizing how residents and fellows are trained, and even how experienced surgeons can practice in simulated surgery before difficult procedures.

Building on Dr. Walsh's vision, the Brady looks ahead to the next 50 years with great excitement and hope. As always, the Brady's patients and friends are our partners in discovery and innovation. Your support has made many of our efforts possible, and we appreciate you.

Mohamad E. Allaf, M.D.
Jakurski Family Director
The James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute
Johns Hopkins Medicine