$20 Million and Counting

Terri Heaney

Terri Heaney

In 1987, Walmart and Sam’s Club became a Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals partner. Since then, their fundraising efforts have raised $20,361,407 for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.

These donations have helped fund two therapeutic playgrounds, a cutting-edge simulation center, the Emergency Center and more — thanks to associates like Terri Heaney, who jumped at the chance to get involved when she joined the Walmart team in 1989. 

“I didn’t have kids at the time, but I saw this as insurance,” she says. “If I had children in the future, I wanted to ensure they would have a place to go for excellent medical care.” 

When the Need Arose 

Years later, after Heaney became a mom, she worried that her young son, Matthew, seemed unconcerned about pain and took risks like running into traffic. His primary care providers ruled out many diagnoses, but his condition remained baffling.

Heaney then brought Matthew to Johns Hopkins All Children’s, where a developmental pediatrician in 2002 diagnosed Matthew at age 3½ with autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). She recalls feeling she could finally relax, knowing a diagnosis meant Matthew could begin treatment. 

Over the next 20 years, Matthew has benefited from Johns Hopkins All Children’s behavioral analysis therapy, speech therapy and many other services. He recently received a specialized communication device that helps him talk to strangers, a task otherwise impossible due to his autism. Getting insurance to cover the device took four years of dedicated effort, and speech-language pathologists at Johns Hopkins All Children’s stayed by Heaney’s side the entire time, offering guidance and encouragement. 

Thanks to his device, Matthew, now 21, is eligible for the Project SEARCH internship program, which will enable him to work at a local hospital—a substantial step toward living independently. 

Four Decades of Generosity 

Nearly 80% of the $20 million raised by Walmart and Sam’s Club come from an annual four-week register campaign. These myriad small gifts came courtesy of generous Walmart customers, Sam’s Club members and the work of associates like Heaney, who has been on the Walmart and Sam’s Club Advisory Board for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital from day one. 

“It’s heartwarming to see the passion of Terri and the others involved,” says Stephanie Hall, director of corporate engagement, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Foundation. “Walmart and Sam’s Club are a great example of a group of dedicated associates working together to make a huge impact.”

Here’s to 40 More!

Forty years ago, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals began as a telethon. Since that time, it has raised more than $8 billion for 170 North American children’s hospitals, including Johns Hopkins All Children’s. Learn more at childrensmiraclenetworkhospitals.org.