Letter from Laura Hendricks-Jackson, D.N.P., Chief Nursing Officer

Published in Sibley Memorial Hospital Nursing Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2022


It is my pleasure to share our nursing annual report for fiscal year 2022. Perhaps your first question is, “How did we manage in 2021 with the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic?” To no one’s surprise, and despite even more unprecedented challenges, I am happy to report that our nurses rose to every occasion. They were nimble, dedicated and modeled what nursing excellence and the safe delivery of care should always look like.  

I witnessed a movement of excellence and joined in that movement, as our nurses and clinical workforce cared for patients throughout the hospital. Each day, our nurses demonstrated the core elements of our mission by providing excellence, building authentic relationships and advocating for our patients and each other.  

Despite the challenges that continued as we navigated through the pandemic, our nurses led in innovation and professional practice. As you enjoy the stories in this report, you will find examples that show our continued journey of excellence, which includes a goal of achieving our Magnet designation in the near future. This report highlights heart-warming and compassionate exemplars of transformational leadership, structural empowerment, exemplary professional practice, new knowledge and innovations and improvements at Sibley Memorial Hospital.

Through the many uncertainties of the pandemic, the systemic racism that our country faced and challenges requiring resiliency and hope, we prevailed.  

These stories represent a small fraction of the nursing excellence seen at Sibley every day. Please join me in congratulating and honoring our nurses who model the true spirit of nursing. To the world’s greatest nurses, I thank you for your unwavering commitment to excellence. I am honored to serve as your chief nurse. 

Laura Hendricks-Jackson, D.N.P., N.E.A.-B.C., R.N.-B.C., C.P.H.Q.
Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Letter from Hasan Zia, M.D., President and COO

Our nurses have taken the lead to ensure the care at Sibley is of the highest quality, delivered according to best practices and based on the latest available evidence.

Hasan Zia