Published in
Hopkins Medicine -
Winter 2022
“The science story here is the value of keeping your eyes open, because if you do, failures can turn into successes.”
Johns Hopkins neurologist and Director of Drug Discovery Barbara Slusher, who recently sold to Bayer AG her startup that developed a shielding agent for a patient’s normal tissue that can be used during a cutting edge, targeted radiotherapeutic treatment for prostate cancer. What’s notable is that Slusher is not a prostate cancer expert — she is a professor of neurology and vice director of Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Pedersen Brain Science Institute.
Read more about Slusher’s “science story,” which goes back 30 years to her thesis work at Johns Hopkins on glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII), an enzyme in the brain that generates glutamate — a chemical that nerve cells use to send signals to other cells: