Counseling, Support Services Available for Employees

As the work piles up, your stress level rises. The pressures from your job carry over into your personal life, leaving you feeling down, overwhelmed and tired.
This is a common scenario that many employees face, according to the Office of Work, Life and Engagement. The good news is that the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FASAP) offers a free, professional service for Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Health System employees to support  them with their problems of daily living and emotional well-being. Employees may seek out FASAP’s services for a variety of reasons, including work difficulties, grief and loss, financial stress, or the unhealthy use of alcohol
and/or drugs.
“Confidentiality is the foundation of FASAP,” says Karen Salinas,  communications associate for the Office of Work, Life and Engagement.
And, there is no limit to the number of times an employee may access services. Immediate family members may also take advance of this resource. “There are approximately 10 clinicians on staff to help employees take care of themselves and their families so they can continue to serve patients, students, visitors and the mission of Johns Hopkins,” says Michelle Carlstrom, senior director for the
office of Work, Life and Engagement.
FASAP services include:
Short-Term Counseling
Clinicians are available to meet with employees to help identify more effective coping skills for managing work and/or personal life. The staff is made up of experienced clinical psychologists, licensed clinical social workers and licensed clinical professional counselors.
Help with Departmental Crises
Crises, whether big or small, have emotional consequences and affect employees’ ability to carry on with work and personal life. The death of a colleague or staff reductions can cause fear, guilt, helplessness and isolation, among other reactions. FASAP can offer guidance, consultation and positive coping strategies to foster resiliency.
Financial Assistance Program
When financial troubles mount, it can be difficult to focus on work or the needs of one’s family. FASAP collaborates with local partners to provide financial guidance, education and resources.
Resources for Managers
As someone in a managerial position, you want your employees to be successful in their jobs. There are times when the performance or behavioral concerns of an employee require information beyond a manager’s capacity. FASAP can help handle these difficult situations.
For more information about FASAP’s services, visit   
or call 443-997-7000.
FASAP services do not extend to Sibley, Suburban and Howard County hospitals.