Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Accrediting Body:
ACGME Equivalent
1 year
Program Contact:
Dr. Kiyoko Oshima, Dr. Jacqueline Birkness-Gartman; [email protected], [email protected]

The Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Faculty Assistant Program is an advanced fellowship that provides training in diagnostic gastrointestinal, liver, and pancreatic pathology. Our case material consists of in-house specimens from Johns Hopkins, as well as cases from our active consultation service. Our faculty members provide specialty experience in gastrointestinal luminal, liver pathology, and pancreatic pathology. The faculty assistant takes full responsibility for sign-out of in-house luminal gastrointestinal biopsy material and works closely with our faculty members on consult cases. The faculty assistant also participates in clinical conferences and house staff and medical student teaching. Research is an integral part of the program and may have either a clinical or an experimental emphasis. There are multiple opportunities for collaborative studies in gastroenterology and in basic research in this and other departments.

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