Our Procedures: Surgical Treatment of Burns

Even relatively minor burns can leave scars and people who have been burned over large parts of their bodies often must deal with scarring that is disfiguring. Reconstructive surgery can reduce scarring and restore appearance to the affected area.

Why Choose Johns Hopkins for Surgical Treatment of Burns?

Surgical Expertise

The plastic surgeons at Johns Hopkins can use a number of techniques to decrease the size and appearance of scarring, including dermabrasion, surgical revision and laser treatment, and have done thousands of reconstructive and plastic surgeries to restore appearance and functionality.

Compassionate Care

Our reconstructive surgeons are devoted to their profession and that includes consultation with the patients, their families, and others as needed. From the first consultation to the final check-up, they make themselves available and accessible to patients.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Our plastic surgeons have learned about and, in many cases, taught the latest and most effective surgical techniques. In addition, they can call on any other kind of medical expertise needed right at the facility, from orthopedists and oncologists to pediatricians and dermatologists.

Our Specialty Center

patient in the burn center

The reconstructive surgeons at Johns Hopkins work with the patients, their families, doctors at the Johns Hopkins Burn Center, and other medical staff to determine what kind of surgery is needed and how it will be done to restore the patient’s appearance. Surgery can provide a range of benefits, from better mobility and health to increased self-confidence.

Patient Resources

Our Surgeons


Jessica Ballou, M.D., M.P.H.

Burn Fellow

Jessica Ballou, MD, MPH

Marisa Vinas, M.D.

Burn Fellow

Marisa Vinas, MD

Nahstajia Pinnock, M.D.

Burn Fellow

Nahstajia Pinnock, MD