Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and the National Cancer Plan

Imagine a world where most cancers can be prevented. What does that mean for you? The National Cancer Plan, led by the National Cancer Institute, is a call to action for each of us to do our part to help prevent more cancers and ensure that every person with cancer lives a full and active life. Explore the plan’s eight goals to end cancer.

National Cancer Plan

This plan has three parts:

Two women walk outside, smiling and linking arms.
  • Eight goals to stop cancer, save lives, and help cancer patients live better.
  • Strategies for each goal, explaining what research and actions we need.
  • A call for everyone to help end cancer as part of the Cancer Moonshot. This plan will change over time as we learn more about cancer and how to fight it.

The President's Cancer Panel Initial Assessment of the National Cancer Plan.

Learn how Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center faculty, staff, physicians & scientists are addressing these goals.

Female Pioneers

In this podcast looking back at the first 50 years of the Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, Dr Bill Nelson and Dr Elizabeth Jaffee (Chair of the President's Cancer Panel) highlight some of the first women to make significant contributions, including Dr Judy Karp and Dr Paula Pitha-Rowe, as well as pointing out the obstacles they were forced to overcome.