Freshly made buffalo chicken pizza
Freshly made buffalo chicken pizza
Freshly made buffalo chicken pizza

Barbecue Chicken Pizza


  • 1 ready-made 12-inch-diameter thin pizza crust

  • 2 teaspoons olive oil

  • 1 cup sliced onion

  • 1/2 cup thin green or red pepper strips

  • 1 cup cooked chicken, cut into small cubes

  • 1/2 cup bottled barbecue sauce

  • 1 cup shredded part-skim, low-moisture mozzarella cheese


Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat oil in a frying pan and add onion and pepper strips. Fry over medium heat until soft, adding a little water instead of more oil if onion and pepper start to burn.

Add chicken and barbecue sauce. Stir and remove from heat. Place ready-made crust on cookie sheet. Spread chicken, onion, and pepper mix evenly on crust. Top with mozzarella. Bake for 10 minutes, watching carefully that cheese doesn't brown too much.

Makes 8 slices

Each slice contains about 220 calories, 26 g protein, 7 g fat, 23 mg cholesterol, 26 g carbohydrates, 1 g fiber, and 469 mg sodium.

This recipe is gout-friendly because it contains food moderate in purines.

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