Neurosurgeon and director of spine tumor neurosurgery Daniel Lubelski describes the case of a female in her mid-50s, who at the time of diagnosis, had a BMI 0f 67 and was active, employed and healthy. She had only recently started experiencing pain and weakness in her legs. She went to urgent care after falling, and physicians noticed significant weakness in her lower extremities. An MRI showed a large intradural extramedullary mass at L5 that was likely benign and compressing the nerves. PT was recommended to manage symptoms due to the patient’s BMI, however, over time, the onset of cauda equina-like symptoms necessitated surgical consultation. Lubelski performed a laminoplasty to resect the tumor completely without the need for hardware or fusion. Colleagues in plastic surgery performed an excellent repair of the incision and the patient recovered without infection. She has no signs of recurrence, and her strength continues to improve. #intraduraltumorsurgery #johnshopkins