Senior Services

Doctor speaks with patient

About 50 percent of hospitalized patients are age 65 and older, and that percentage will grow each year as the population ages. Suburban Hospital has long valued providing exceptional care to seniors.

In addition to the services we provide to patients in the hospital, Suburban Hospital offers programs and services in the community to keep our older adult residents healthy and strong:

Suburban Hospital promotes healthy living and disease prevention and management for seniors at convenient times and locations throughout Montgomery County.

Also, our partnership with Potomac Home Support, Inc. and Johns Hopkins Care at Home - Potomac helps seniors and their families manage their changing needs with skilled services such as nursing, physical therapy, home IV therapy and more.

Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders

In 2011, Suburban earned the NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) designation from The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing at New York University College of Nursing. NICHE is the only national geriatric initiative designed to improve the care of older hospitalized adults.

Washington Metro Oasis Lifelong Learning Center

The Oasis Liefelong Learning Center is sponsored by Suburban Hospital, the Macy's Foundation and the OASIS Institute.

Suburban Hospital recognizes that mature adults want to continue to grow, learn and be productive during the best years of their lives. So, we partnered with the Oasis Institute to proudly sponsor Oasis, a unique educational program that supports healthy aging. At Oasis, you can enrich your life in many ways:

  • Expand your knowledge
  • Develop your talents
  • Stay healthy and active
  • Meet people who share your interests
  • Serve your community

The OASIS mission

Founded in 1982, Oasis is a national nonprofit educational organization with programs in 40 cities designed to enhance the quality of life for mature adults by offering challenging programs in the arts, humanities, wellness and volunteer services and creating opportunities for older adults to continue their personal grown and provide meaningful service to the community. The Macy's Foundation provides dedicated space for the Washington Metro Oasis center in its Westfield Montgomery store. View the online course catalog, become a member, or sign up to become a volunteer.

Engaging Classes

Here are some of the class offerings at our Westfield Montgomery Mall location:

Arts: Literature, Art History and Music

Humanities: Current Events, History, Religious Topics and Local Issues

Practical Information: Travel, Investments, Estate Planning and Legal Issues

Technology: A variety of topics for your computer, tablet or smartphone

Health promotion

Through a partnership with Suburban Hospital, Oasis offers practical programs to help you lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Choose from classes on exercise, nutrition, safety and health maintenance. Examples include:

  • Lectures from physicians and health care professionals from Suburban Hospital
  • Fitness courses, such as Bone Building, Build Better Balance, Cardio Dance and Yoga

Rewarding volunteer opportunities

Mature adults have a lifetime of experiences and talents to share. At OASIS, you’ll find meaningful opportunities to serve the community and training to help you succeed. Many volunteer opportunities are available.


Washington Metropolitan Oasis is located in the Macy’s Home Store in Westfield Montgomery Mall.

Macy's Home
7125 Democracy Blvd
Bethesda, Md. 20817
Phone: 301-469-6800, press 1, ext. 211
Google map