Trochanteric Bursitis Rehabilitation

Trochanteric bursitis is characterized by pain in the hip region which can be tender to touch, increase with activity and can make lying on the hip uncomfortable. Causes of trochanteric bursitis can include: trauma, osteoarthritis, hip and trunk muscle weakness, misalignment of the low back and pelvis, poor muscle flexibility, movement and walking abnormalities. Any of these issues can contribute to hip greater trochanteric bursitis pain which can affect people of all ages.

Team Approach

Johns Hopkins rehabilitation team at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center has developed a comprehensive program for people with trochanteric bursitis. We also have therapists throughout our rehabilitation network who specialize in hip pain. Our collaborative approach to care provides the best possible patient outcomes. Effective treatment of trochanteric bursitis requires a thorough evaluation of an individual’s pertinent medical history, strength, flexibility, lumbar and pelvic alignment, ability to move and walking pattern.

Assessment & Treatment

The assessment for trochanteric bursitis includes:

  • Assessment of your walking pattern
  • Testing of your trunk and leg strength, including surface sensors to determine appropriate muscle activation
  • Measurement of muscle flexibility and lower extremity joint mobility
  • Low back and pelvic screen

Treatment for trochanteric bursitis includes:

  • Hip and trunk strengthening via prescriptive exercise and surface sensor biofeedback
  • Correction of poor movement patterns and dysfunctional walking patterns via video analysis feedback
  • Modalities such as ultrasound, iontophoresis, moist heat and cryotherapy
  • Soft tissue mobilization to release and lengthen restricted tissue
  • Postural re-education and strategies to resolve pain during functional activities

After completing a thorough evaluation, your therapist will provide a comprehensive plan of care targeted to address your needs to restore pain-free function and return to activities.