Skeletal Reconstruction: Owen's Story

Skeletal Reconstruction | Owen's Story

At a very young age, Owen was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type II (HSAN2) that severely affected his bones. Owen had advanced scoliosis and twisting in his legs, knees and feet that made walking challenging. But Owen’s parents were determined to help their son get the medical care he needed to live a life with fewer limitations.

Their search led them to Johns Hopkins where pediatric orthopaedic surgeon Paul Sponseller knew how to approach Owen’s complex condition. He set out a treatment plan with multiple surgeries, including a full spinal fusion, a bilateral guided-growth knee surgery and many lower extremity correction surgeries – all within 12 months. After years of hard work and determination, Owen is now enjoying life as a sophomore at his high school in Dundee, Oregon, and is a talented drummer in the school jazz band.

Learn more about scoliosis.

Owen's Orthopaedic Pediatric Specialist

Johns Hopkins Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery

Our pediatric orthopaedic specialists diagnose and treat a variety of bone, joint, tendon and ligament conditions that affect children of all ages. Our team includes renowned experts in pediatric sports injuries and spinal deformities such as scoliosis.