Infection Surveillance and Prevention

Two of the primary functions of our Department are:

  • To perform comprehensive surveillance for healthcare-associated infections and epidemiologically significant organisms and
  • To create, implement, support, and sustain evidence-based interventions to prevent healthcare-associated infections and organism transmissions. 

We utilize surveillance definitions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).  HEIC staff provides weekly feedback of hand hygiene performance and infection surveillance data to each hospital unit. Cumulative data trends regarding hand hygiene, healthcare-associated infections, and multidrug-resistant organisms are also reported on a variety of institutional dashboards and quality reports.   A comprehensive infection prevention program includes HEIC participation in unit-based root cause analysis of each infection and programs to promote, monitor and sustain evidence-based best practices. Click here to view JHH Infection Prevention policies.  The sections below provide access to a variety of tools and information on our programs.