ES title

Freezing ES cells

This is a standard freezing protocol for freezing ES cells that can be used to freeze down vials of ES cells for future targeting or targeted clones.

1.  Feed cells 2 hours before freezing.
2.  Aspirate media, and wash the wells with PBS.
3.  Add trypsin (0.05%) and incubate for 5 min at 37 C:  96-well plate - 30 ul/well
                                                                                                    24-well plate - 100 ul/well
                                                                                                      6-well plate - 500 ul/well
                                                                                                     10 cm dish - 2 ml/plate
4.  Add ES cell media at twice the volume of trypsin i.e. for 500 ul of trypsin, add 1 ml media
5.  Titrate 4-5X
6.  Place in a 15-ml conical and spin for 5 min at 1000 rpms

7. Make freezing media: 20% DMSO, 80% FBS. 
            For each vial of cells you will need 250-ul cold FBS and 250ul cold freezing media, for a total volume of 500 uls.  For 1 confluent well of a 6-well plate we freeze down 4 vials/well.
           To freeze 1 well of a 6 well plate:
                   FBS:  4vials X 250ul/vial = 1ml
                   Freezing Media: 4vials X 250ul/vial = 1ml X .2 = 200ul DMSO
                                                                                X .8 = 800ul FBS

8.  Have labeled tubes with loosened caps and media kept on ice.
9.  Aspirate off supernatant of your 15-ml conical tube.
10. Add appropriate volume of FBS (only) and titrate. 
11. Add appropriate volume of freezing media, pipette 2-3X to mix and aliquot 0.5 ml/cryotube. 
         i.e. for a confluent well of a 6-well plate you would add 1 ml of FBS, titerate, add 1ml of freezing media, mix, and aliquot into 4 cryotubes.
12. Place cryotubes into a styrofoam tube rack and put in -80C.  Cells can be placed into liquid N2 the next day. 

NOTE: It is best not to leave cells longer than 2 weeks at -80 C.



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