Peer Supporter Orientation, Training, and Follow-up Support activities


All peer support programs hold orientation and training activities for peer supporters and many collect information about those activities in order to continuously improve them. You can collect this information via a survey that you give peer supporters at the end of the training. The survey could include a mix of questions with multiple choice or rating scale responses, with a few open response questions to gather comments you did not consider. A good example of such a question is” “what activities were most helpful to you in this training?”

During follow-up meetings, some program leaders ask questions to peer supporters to assess how ready they are to provide peer support services and how to better prepare them. Sample questions include:

  • What has it been like talking to program participants?
  • What challenges have you faced?
  • Can you describe how the training worked for you?
  • What parts of the training have you used recently?
  • What can we do to better support you?

Updated: March 2018