Sleep Study Preparation

Preparing for Polysomnography

A sleep study, called a polysomnogram, requires an overnight stay in a private room in a sleep laboratory.

Patients are asked to follow their usual daily activities on the day of the study, but they are encouraged to avoid naps and stimulants like caffeine. Patients usually arrive at the laboratory in the early evening with their sleeping clothes and toiletries.

Once in the room, monitoring devices will be applied to record the type of information requested by your doctor. Sensors will monitor your brain waves (EEG activity), heart rate (EKG), eye movements, leg muscle activity and chest and stomach movement. Air flow from your nose and mouth will be recorded, and your oxygen levels will be measured by a sensor that clips to your finger. Sleep studies typically end in the early morning hours, allowing patients to return to their normal daytime routine.

Sleep Hygiene Principles

  • Keep a regular bedtime routine; go to bed and get up at the same time each day
  • Avoid or limit daytime naps
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks late in the day
  • Exercise regularly during the day, but avoid evening exercise
  • Use the bedroom only for sleep; avoid school work, TV, exercise or other activities while in bed
  • Keep the bedroom dark, quiet and comfortable
  • Avoid stress and worrisome thoughts in the evening before sleep